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10 Best Command Prompt Tricks for beginners 2017

10 Best Command Prompt Tricks for beginners 2017

Command Prompt is an utility command line software in Windows OS. Due to the use of GUI(Graphical User Interface) it might seem like an old-fashioned  and long way of doing things .But, its simply isn’t hackers and geeks favourite.One of the reason is that it gives full control over a command that we execute. Having the proper knowledge there are many things that a person can do with command, here are the 10 cool command prompt tricks-

1.Shut down Computer instantly

If your PC takes more time to shut down due to running applications or windows updates use this trick to shut it down in an instant. This command will kill all applications, bypass windows updates and shut it down instantly. Follow the steps-

1.Open Command Prompt from Start menu or press Start + R and type cmd

2.Type the following-

shutdown /s /t/ 0

3.Press Enter and your PC will shut down in an instant

2.Make an Undelete-able folder 

Want to make a folder that can’t be deleted? Command Prompt allows you to create such folder. Follow the steps-

1.Open Command Prompt as Administrator, by simply creating a shortcut of command prompt in desktop then right-clicking on it and select Run as administrator .

2.Type the Drive letter followed by : symbol where you want to create it like E: or D: 

3.Then type

md unknown\

You can change unknown with your desired name

4.Press Enter and go to the drive which you entered and you will find the folder.

5.Try to delete it.

How to delete it after creating one?
Follow the first two steps of the trick and then type

rd unknown\

Change unknown with your one’s.

3.View IP Address of any website

This trick will display IP address of any website. So if you are curious to know the IP address of any website this trick can be used. Please note that I am not responsible for what you do to the IP Address of the website. Follow the steps-  

1. Open Command Prompt

2.Type the following-


Change with your desired address.

3.Hit Enter and it will display it.

4.Shutdown computer after a specified time

Using this trick you can shutdown your computer after a specified time. This can also be used to play with your friends computer when you visit him. Follow the steps to do it

1.Open Command Prompt

2.Type the following-

shutdown –s –t 60

This will shut the computer down after 60 seconds, you can replace the time with your requirement but express it in seconds unit.

3.Hit enter and after your given time the computer will shut down.

5.Scan or Repair System Files

If you think your Windows is corrupted and needs a check use this trick to scan system files and repair them. Follow the steps-

1.Open Command Prompt as Administrator, by simply creating a shortcut of command prompt in desktop then right-clicking on it and select Run as administrator .

2.Type the following-


3.Hit enter and the process will begin, it might take long depending upon your computer’s speed.

4.It will then either repair itself or let you know if a problem arises.

6.Hide files or folders that cannot be unhidden with usual ways

Command Prompt could also be used to hide files and folders that are invisible to traditional windows unhide view. If you want to create a hidden folder for keeping your important files which you don’t want others to see, this trick can be extremely useful. Follow the steps to do it-

1.Open Command Prompt

2.Type the drive letter followed with : where the folder, that you want to hide is present, like D: , E:
3.Then type the following-

attrib +h +s +r example

Change example with your folder name which exists on your given drive. If you have a folder named songs in the given drive and you want to hide it type this- attrib +h +s +r songs

4.Hit enter and go to the drive which you entered and find it.

5.You won’t find it , you can also try to unhide by selecting Organize>Folder and search options>View tab>Show hidden files, folders and drives.

How to unhide it after creating one?

Follow the first two steps of the trick and then type-

attrib -h -s -r example

Change example with your folder name which exists on your given drive. If you have a folder named songs in the given drive and you want to unhide it type this- attrib -h -s -r songs

7.View Network Details

If you want to know your computer’s network details like IP address, subnet mask or default gateway, this simple trick can be useful. Follow the steps-

1.Open Command Prompt

2.Type ipconfig

3.Hit enter and you will see all your network details.

8.Shutdown computer with a message

If you want to shutdown your computer with a message, this trick will allow you do it. This can be used to play with your friend’s PC

1.Open Command Prompt

2.Type the following-

shutdown -s -t 60 -c This is a Message.”

Change 60 with your required time and This is a Message with your message.

3.Hit enter and your computer will shutdown displaying the message after the given time.

9.View extensions related with a program

Using this trick you can view the programs associated with a particular file extension. To do this , follow the steps-

1.Open Command Prompt.

2.Type assoc 

3.Hit enter and a list will be displayed with file extensions followed by the default program set to open it.

10.Watch Star Wars Episode IV

This is a cool command prompt trick and you can watch Star Wars Episode IV in ASCII format, not HD or real one. Please note you need an internet connection To do this follow the steps-

1.Activate telnet by going to Control Panel>Progams>Turn Windows features on or off , select Telnet Client and hit OK 

2.Open Command Prompt.

3.Type the following-


4.Hit enter and enjoy the movie.


Hope you enjoy these tricks and have fun with them. Do give your suggestions in the comments.

10 Best Command Prompt Tricks for beginners 2017 10 Best Command Prompt Tricks for beginners 2017 Reviewed by The Writer on 03:01 Rating: 5

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